* Edited, PS added
Okay, I'm just kidding - sort of - but wouldn't it be something if he had to Baker Act the President of the United States? lol
Okay, D.C. doesn't have a Baker Act - but they DO have something similar.
A "Baker Act" was the first of it's kind after Reagan deinstitutionalized patients and slashed funding for psychiatric care, at the federal level, in 1981, 1984, and 1985 - meaning by law, you could no longer commit someone long-term for mental illness and there was less money for treatment - UNLESS - they are criminally insane (meaning they have been legally determined to have committed a violent crime).
Thus, the states themselves began passing laws for at least temporarily "committing" someone for treatment, if they are deemed a danger to themselves or others.
The original "Baker Act" is a Florida law and was the first of its kind - and other states and D.C. now have similar - in which a judge renders a person as demonstrating poor judgment to the degree it is deemed to be a danger to themselves and others, as well as the inability to recognize the need for their own treatment. Thus, a judge court orders the person to be admitted, evaluated, and receive treatment for at least 72 hours.
(The state law is also sometimes referred to as a "501 order" or "72-hour hold law.")
Also, since people with drug and alcohol problems are not (yet) considered "mentally ill" by legal definitions, there are also "Marchman Acts" that can do the same for the chemically addicted in some states.
Depending on what you believe, Walter Reed physicians reported two blood oxygen level drops, but the White House is claiming that's not true, and a "miracle drug recovery" (just as I predicted they would, two posts below).
And then somehow, Trump convinced (or military ordered?) his doctors at Walter Reed Military Hospital to let him leave quarantine to take a ride with the Secret Service so as not to appear weak and wave to people.
Dr. Phillips has also gone on record via phone, speculating on speculated whether or not Trump "pulled rank" as Commander in Chief and ordered the military physicians to allow the "parade" for them to allow this special break of quarantine, putting both hospital staff and secret service in harm's way.
Clearly, Dr. Phillips is hopping mad - and I don't blame him lol.
It's not having COVID that makes you weak - it's your desperate need to not act sick, so you can be adored and re-elected, despite medical advice and the danger exposing other people to the virus , that makes you appear weak.
Don't MAKE us Baker Act you! lol
(Actually, IMO, perhaps we all would've been better off if we had done so a long time ago lol ;)
PS - Ironically, my joke is a timely one, since I have some curious hits to my blog from certain family members, the past few days, so allow me to add this ...
This was one of the first things I learned, in my education in social work, back in the early 90s.
A) Sign myself off of any rights to my grandmother's estate to prove I didn't want a thing - only to care for her until the moment she passed, as she had cared for me - just to take the pressure off everyone - especially my grandmother dying of cancer.
B) Simply say, "Erm - that's not even legally possible to "commit" someone long term, according to federal law, since Reagan - which you all would know, if you had an education in Social Work and bothered to research it - nor do I even think Mom NEEDS to be committed."
"Nice try, scaring her into your getting sole and full control of the actual estate with lies. We already agreed you should be executor of the will, but that was enough for you. Regardless, that's a propaganda fail - and there's not going to be any "war."
"Because I don't care about family control or the money or her possessions, and who gets what - it's all just stuff - when the best memories I have of her are in my mind and heart and no one can take that away, not even you."
"That's why we all agreed on you, as executor - because YOU are the only one that does care about all the "stuff" and possessions - and to prove it, I'm signing myself off any rights to it."
"Take it, K - take it allllllll - I hope it's of great comfort to you, but I doubt it will be, in the end. Let's see how these paranoid lies, scare tactics, guilt-trips, gaslighting, and bullying work out for you in the long run."
"All I ask is this - that you leave my daughter in it. Please. Please, K. I know you hate me, you've hated me since the day I was born, and especially since I was in that movie. Whatever you believe my sins, real or imagined - please don't punish my daughter for it. Please, I'm begging you."
HOWEVER - an entirely different story was told by my older sister to the rest of the family - which is that it was me that wanted sole control and "wanted to have my mother committed" - essentially terrorizing them on board.
So I moved out - again, both because I was concerned my ex-husband was near and fears he wouldn't stop PLUS trying to prove to the family that K was lying, I wasn't after anything of hers, and I wasn't living there now because of my own finances.
And would you believe that since then, after threatening me to leave the home and my signing off on the will - they now telling people I "abandoned" my grandmother, and that I threatened her with staying, claiming I'd also abandon my daughter if she didn't? lol
See how a master manipulator/pathological liar/greedy, selfish thief works, folks, and the dysfunctional family system and scapegoating at work?
Because in fact, HERE is what I actually suggested to my grandmother - and what her original will said - after she came to me for advice on the will, concerned my mother would go on a spending spree again, when off her bipolar meds:
I suggested that my older sister should be executor, instead of my mom, as far as making decisions about actual the will, because I had concerns about my mother's judgment sometimes, being bipolar.
However, I suggested to make my mother adjunctive Medical Power of Attorney, as a former registered nurse, so she wouldn't feel entirely shut out - UNLESS - her judgement was objectively deemed not to be sound (i.e., when off her meds).
HOWEVER - as far as the actual estate property and any money resulting thereof - I suggested that my mother, all 4 grandchildren (including my brother-in-law), and one great-grandchild (my daughter) have equal shares in the actual estate.
That way, no one beneficiary could use the estate money - or obtain loans based upon it - without expressly written consent by the other 5 beneficiaries (including my daughter at age 18).
That WAS my grandmother's original will - and if anyone would even bother to check, you'd see that - rather than listen to any more of K's lies - you could verify that for yourselves.
I thought it was a very fair and balanced plan for everyone - and I do still do - especially considering what I've been told has happened, by more than one reliable source, which I predicted would happen if it wasn't this way, didn't I? ;)
I have faith the truth will eventually come out in both situations - though it may take a long time, and in fact, maybe even after I'm gone.
But it will - let's all try to have a little more faith, folks :)
Lastly, To Certain Family Members,I don't know why you're here, suddenly, so many times - but again, this is why I recently changed my phone number.And I also know that at this point, you have to keep making up new lies to justify yourselves and save face, because the alternative is just too scary and threatening to your fragile psyche - that what you did to me, over things that you know aren't true - twisting, falsely accusing, abject lying, and projecting your own motivations onto me - is NOT justified.
However, I cannot and will not enable and protect you from the consequences of your own actions any longer.
Thus, as I said right before I changed my phone number - please find a new family scapegoat to blame, guilt-trip and gaslight - because Mark and I are NOT going be bullied or guilt-tripped into helping you pay estate taxes or helping provide care for Mom in her old age - especially after what K and Mom have now both done.K wanted it all, went to unconscionable levels to get it?She's got it - PLUS TAX :)Careful what you wish for - you might get it - and you have no one to blame - but yourselves.
Thus, in the words of Joseph - whose family beat him, threw him in a pit, left him for dead and lied to his father about it - over his portion of inheritance and closeness with their father (in this case, our grandmother) - I now say to you the same words Joseph said ...
It took 20 years for the truth to come out for Joseph, so I've at least got 8 more years to go ; :)
(Just kidding - Joseph was lucky - sometimes the truth doesn't come out for even better people, until after they're dead, their lifetimes, so I don't even expect, hope, or pray for it anymore - there's prayer already up from years ago, God will reveal truth in his own timeframe :)
And like Joseph, I still love you all and still pray for you, despite what you did to me - but I will NOT be your family whipping post and scapegoat anymore, and I will not participate in this family dysfunction and toxicity anymore, I'm sorry.
~ Chrystal
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