Monday, April 6, 2020

So ...Our Apartment Community Just Informed Us Of A COVID-19-Positive Resident ...

... via email.  They have to, by law, but the same law also prevents us from knowing who it is, what apartment, or even which building. 

The good news is, the buildings are pretty well separated, and the hallways are outside breezeways, which will help.  I also went outside just now and sprayed down the bannisters and doors and air with mist Lysol lol.

We also just received our second round of surgical gloves, which we went and and ordered 3 weeks ago, anticipating delay/backorder with our next order (and we were right.)

Hey - no panic, but no denial, either.

Thus far, we've been able to stay ahead of last-minute-panic demand, this way. 

Thus, here's Mark with a homemade mask (HEPA-filter vacuum bag secured with a bandana, that will go into a sealed bag before re-entry and then washed) and surgical gloves on - on his way outside, to feed his horse at the boarding stable ...

I worry about him since he had a stroke 3 years ago and a heart device in place (Amplatzer "plug" of his congenital heart PFO or "hole").

I can't decide if he looks scary or sexy lol. 

Still repping the Detroit "D," though, come what may :) 

Regardless, the song below remains the same - God expects us to use wisdom, because he doesn't always rescue or save us - but he'll be with us, in the form of his love, until the end and beyond  :)

PS - I can't show you the pic (I don't share private pics publicly, especially not here), but I just sent this picture to Mark's family's group text thread, and I was replied to with a picture of his sister, dressed almost identically (baseball cap, bandana over ski mask, surgical gloves), on her way to the grocery, just outside of NYC). 

LOL! Family resemblance.  

Gotta grab a smile where you can, folks :)

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