First let me just say, all is well here - I've just been quiet because Mark developed a tooth abscess and had the tooth extracted, last week so we've been busy, but all is well here :)
In other news - yes, there have been 4 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Kentucky - and 1 of them is in Lexington.
Additionally, 3 of the 4 patients are being treated at UK Hospital in Lexington (as 2 are from Cynthiana/Harrison County, 20 miles outside of Lexington).
The 4th patient is at Norton Hospital - Brownsboro (near Louisville, in Jefferson County).
Harrison County Schools are closed today, as one of the people who tested positive worked for the Walmart in Cynthiana.
As I've mentioned, my husband works for the public schools. Lexington-Fayette County Public schools ARE open.
We can confirm the schools are working very closely with the city to take extra precautions and have been vigorously cleaning and sanitizing all weekend.
Also, as we know, since Trump changed his mind and decided last week that this was all a hoax to undermine his presidency (*eye roll*), test kits being provided by the government is slow - but the University of Kentucky Hospital has testing kits - HOWEVER - do NOT go if you are well and just worried - only go for testing if you actually have symptoms.
Not only are you taking tests from people who have symptoms, but you are putting yourself at risk for contracting it by going.
Again, people - do NOT buy surgical masks. The virus is not airborne, it's droplet-spread, by droplets that settle on surfaces when people cough and touching those droplets, then your face.
Additionally, not only do the surgical masks not protect you as from it as much as care for your hands, but healthcare officials need them and they're having a hard time getting themselves (this was confirmed by the doctors/dentists we visited for my husband's tooth).
Healthcare professionals need the masks more - they are directly in the line of fire of people coughing who have actually tested positive and therefore, need them to treat the infected.
I'll be honest, I am a little more concerned than usual, just because we've been on dentist/doctor's offices for the past week a few times - plus my husband works for the public schools.
However, in addition to the school cleanings this weekend, they have a plan going forward, and apparently if one more person tests positive, the schools shut down and people work from home if they can (which means my husband will be extra busy the next few days getting people's laptops ready).
We are also taking extra precautions - to include my insisting my husband wear disposable surgical gloves when he's at work, working on people's computers lol.
(Hey, he had a tooth infection already, his immune system is already compromised, or at the very least, distracted.)
Otherwise, good luck getting cleaning supplies in Lexington, right now, people are panicked. Good thing I already stock up on this stuff every winter for the flu ;)
Lastly, Governor Beshear is giving a press conference at 8:45 a.m.
Otherwise, hang on, people - fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but we'll make it :)
Be safe and good luck, people - and remember, focus on your hand protection, not surgical masks :)
PS - Governor Beshear just announced at the press conference that they would approve extra sick leave time for state employees (which includes the public schools).
He also has removed the federal Medicare blocks that required preauthorization for testing.
Governor Beshear confirmed that the Harrison County person who first tested positive did work at Walmart, as well as where the 4 patients are being treated (3 at UK Hospital here in Lexington and Norton Brownsboro in Jefferson County near Louisville).
Give it up for Governor Beshear transparency, folks. He looks tired and concerned, but is otherwise calm and doing a great job with communication - communicating what he knows, stating that he needs to maintain privacy of the patients themselves.
*Also, note that all 4 people infected here in Kentucky at least appear to be improving.
*Also note that in the US, unlike the regular flu, children seem to only be mildly affected or not at all by Covid-19.
In the US, it has appeared thus far that people over 60 are the most at risk - so if you are 60 or older and/or have a chronic health condition, take extra precautions by avoiding busy, crowded places for the time being.
Lastly, if you are well but have questions or concerns - do NOT go to the doctor, ER, or hospital - instead, call the Covid-19 hotline at 1-800-722-5725 and there are live people to answer your questions.
Conversely, if you DO feel unwell and ordinarily wouldn't go to the doctor - by all means, please go.
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