So I've been Black Friday online shopping like a mad woman, especially since my boss sent me a referral link to Rakuten and many of the stores they partner with were/are offering 10% to 15% cash back yesterday (and some through the weekend), instead of their usual 1% to 6% cash back - which of course is in addition to whatever sales they have going on.
My boss has been using Rakuten for the past few years and says it's totally legit, she gets cash back regularly.
Along the way, though I usually don't click on click-bait "articles" around the bottom of news sites, but I saw this one from about orders gone horribly wrong - "What I Ordered VS. What I Got" and had to check it out because the pictures said it all lol.
Some are from Amazon, but most are from Ebay,, and AliExpress, so buyer beware at those site.
Now, with Amazon - they're actually pretty awesome - no one else even comes close. They've only "done me wrong" one time, in fact, but it was a shipping-label mistake by the sender. Instead of my usual subscribe-and-save shipment of dental floss, I got an 18 plus-size black jersey dress! LOL.
(I'm sure that lady that was expecting the black dress got the bigger surprise when nothing arrived but an industrial-pack size shipment of dental floss lol.)
However, some tips about shopping Amazon ...
If you don't have Amazon Prime yet, I highly recommend it - not only is shipping free and faster, but they provide an extra guarantee with your purchases.
However and still - always, always, ALWAYS check the reviews - especially pictures sent in by people who have ordered and received the item.
Note there are lots of Chinese sellers on there, and they are typically NOT Prime items and will take weeks to receive and you have to pay extra shipping - and this is when you run the most risk.
Although truth be told, I did take the risk once and ordered some throw pillow covers from China, and they actually came through beautifully, so not always a problem; however, I knew I was taking a risk and they weren't very expensive, so if it turned out badly, not much money was lost, either.
Also note - when checking the reviews, check not just the item, but the reviews for the actual seller.
Also note that sometimes sellers will switch the product description to a prior ad that had positive reviews - and you won't know unless you check the reviews with pictures, and you see it's a completely different item from the one you're trying to purchase. ;)
Lastly, folks - sometimes you just get what you pay for. If something appears to good to be true for that price, it probably is.
Anyway, without further ado, I give you the warning pictures of Black Friday orders gone wrong - safe shopping!
Now, this first one, I'm not sure if the order was wrong or this person just didn't read the dimensions first, or perhaps her cat needs to got on a diet - regardless, pretty sure this isn't going to work ...
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