Saturday, September 5, 2020

It's Derby Day!

... 'Tiz the law, here in Kentucky :)

I haven't actually done any "intuitive" predictions yet, this year (which won us a bit of money last year) - that was just a play on words using the name of the Kentucky Derby favorite, "'Tiz the Law."

Also, if you are interested into what led to the win via intuitive hints, last year, see THIS post - interesting enough, looking back, in addition to "Farmer's Market" being a strong intuition hint that played into winning us some money, one of the hints was "Stars and Stripes," which I wasn't sure how to interpret, thinking at the time it meant Code of Honor would be in the top three - however, it seems to coincide more with our current events/news this year - see my earlier post lol)

It's going to look a little weird, without fans or big parties, but nevertheless, the show is going on  :)


P.S.  - No bets this year, didn't have time for intuitive "hints" or betting today. 

But gee, Bob Baffert won again.  What a totally unexpected and complete surprise. 



And yes, by the way - I have met Bob Baffert in person.

Don't be fooled my his recent efforts to smile and be more pleasant and cordial while on camera - he's the same arrogant, rude, a-hole he always has been lol.

Everyone here in Kentucky knows it - but they're afraid of him - because no level is too dirty or unsafe, for either jockey or rider, for him to stoop to win :/

Of course Baffert supports Trump - don't all arrogant, greedy, dishonest, dirty, cheaters? ;)

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