According to the Lexington Herald Leader, though the theme wasn't about Father's Day, the contest win was nevertheless a timely one, just before Father's Day.
"The theme of the contest was actually "I Am Strong Because ..." and his response entry piece is entitled "Finding Hope," based on the advice his late father gave him.
"I am strong because I have hope,” Milo said, describing his entry and its inspiration."
“I once asked my father how he overcame obstacles and became who he wanted to be. “
"His father, Deeno Golding, replied, “Hope - hope keeps me strong.”
Unfortunately, Milo later lost his father at age 13, to a heart attack ...
“After I unexpectedly lost him at 13 due to a heart attack, it (his advice) helped me overcome grief and support other children who lost loved ones. Regardless of life’s hardships and uncertainties, hope is always there. It’s our job to find that hope in order to move forward," Milo said."
Amen, Milo, well said :)
“Milo’s Doodle, titled ‘Finding Hope,’ speaks to the resilience and hope that lives in all of us. The Doodle is inspired by his father’s advice to find hope in all circumstances as a source of strength. It was inspired by Milo’s journey to find hope after the loss of his father.”
On Monday, Milo was interviewed by The Today Show, describing the his work, and the hopeful imagery and symbolism details found within the artwork ...
- The uppercase blue and green letter "G" represents the world, and inside the letter, a young child opens the door in a symbol of hope for the future.
- A balloon is yellow, the color of hope.
- The middle characters represent Milo’s father giving comfort and hope to little Milo, who is wrapped in a scarf and mittens, the last Christmas gifts received from his father.
-The letter "L" is a side view of a bookshelf, and a child climbs to the top to represent using education and new experiences to find hope.
-The letter "E" is a dying tree sprouting buds also to symbolize hope.
- In the background is a roller coaster and little monsters, representing the uncertainties of life.
Milo beat out hundreds of thousands of other entries to win - and addition to his artwork being featured on Google's home page today, he also won a $30,000 college scholarship, and a $50,000 technology package for his school, Lexington Christian Academy, where he is a senior.
THAT'S what a little hope can do!
Despite his artistic talent, Milo's college plans are to enter the medical field, after the loss of his father due to heart attack, to help others in the community.
His Today Show interview brought tears to my eyes - what a bright, talented, articulate, truly remarkable young man - Congratulations, Milo!!!
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