Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Trump - Alongside Netanyahu - Just Proposed the U.S. Take Ownership of the Gaza Strip ... AND ...


... he also said the Palestinians should leave, and be "relocated to countries with humanitarian hearts."


Where exactly is THAT for Palestinians?

Especially since you just cast out asylum-seekers, as well as just put Elon Musk and Marco Rubio in charge of gutting our USAID program?

(Jimmy Carter is rolling in his grave, right now.)

And with whose money and military are we taking over the Gaza strip and WHY?

The Gaza strip has no resources we need - there's not even oil there.

It's just premier real estate, a watering-hole oasis in the middle of the desert, which both religious groups want.

We can't even afford our own groceries, but this a-hole wants to own the Gaza Strip using our tax money so that he can, what - build a new shrine hotel to himself or what?

Oh, hell, yeah ... sign us up to vacay at the Trump Hotel on the U.S-owned Gaza beach,  so we can get pipe-bombed or Molotov cocktailed! 

Let's go party like it's 1939  at thew new "Riviera of the Middle East" and pretend like Jewish hostages weren't taken, raped and killed and that hospitals weren't blown own, killing Palestinian children in the process.

What's next, we turn Southern former-slaveholding plantations and concentration camps into Trump theme parks and hotels?

Woo hoooooo, partayyy!

That has GOT to be one of the top 5 dumbest, delusional, inappropriate, insensitive things he's ever said, and he says a lot of dumb, delusional, inappropriate and insensitive things.

So ... this is a religious-based territorial fight between them that has gone on for centuries that we have absolutely no business getting involved in, other than to help mediate/negotiate for peace!

But you know who does own the majority of actual oil fields in the Middle East that we lease from?


(Oil leasing rights which we likely just lost completely.)

Exactly how many fights is he picking at the expense of our young people's lives?

And for what?

New Trump hotels on the Gaza strip, his own glory, and some truly insane attempt at world dominance, starting with  takeover of questionably-resourced land when we can't even afford our groceries?

Over my dead body, will he use our tax money and the young lives in our military to take over and own the Gaza strip (so he can build new hotels?)  OR Greenland OR the Panama Canal, and I mean that.

Now that is the first time I've ever said anything like that, that I'd die first, but I mean it - enough is enough!

Because this crazy MF and his socially irresponsible, chronic diarrhea of the mouth is gonna get us 9/11-ed again!

(But don't forget, Palestinian-Americans - we told you so -  but you juuuusssst wouldn't listen and voted for Trump anyway. )

And with that, the snake-oil salesman/con man has already surpassed being worse than even I thought he would be as President and it's not even been a month!

God help us all now - Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike - and I mean that.

(Except God, can you close your ears for a sec, while I say that Trump - and his little Russian-style U.S "Broligarchy" - can kiss my descended-from-Polish-Irish-Scottish-British asylum-seeking/illegal-immigrant-natural-born-American arse.)

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