Thursday, August 1, 2024

Trump: "Is She Indian or Black?" πŸ˜‚

*PS Added

 .... at the Black Journalist Convention yesterday, when asked if he agreed with those saying she was a DEI hire, he said:

“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black?"

She's both, you idiot - and a natural-born U.S. citizen - so why does  her exact race matter?

And ... "promoting" her Indian heritage?

What does that even mean?

Like she goes around saying, "Hi, I'm Kamala Harris. I'd like to pitch the idea of my being Indian/South Asian to you?"

What a bizarre word to choose and ... I don't think so.

She was closer with her mother's family, but I doubt she was "only promoting Indian heritage," since she went to Howard University, which is an historically black university! πŸ˜‚

I'm also pretty sure you never asked her what race she identified as, so what is your point?

Are you trying to pit black people against South Asians/Indians now, or can your brain just not process that two different races can produce a child and that child can be both races, or even more, based on lineage?

Talk about "black-and-white thinking" (pun intended) of being a hallmark for a personality disorder! πŸ˜‚

Like Jon Stewart said, do you see those Pizza Hut/Taco Bell combo restaurants and freak out?

What do you do with the Taco Bell/Pizza Hut/KFC combo restaurants, pass out?  

Insist that they are "promoting" one restaurant more than the others? πŸ˜‚

Or with multiracial people like Tiger Woods (Thai, Chinese, African-American, Dutch)?

Or Dwayne Johnson (Samoan, Black Nova Scotian, Irish)?

Or Keanu Reeves ( British, Chinese, Hawaiian descent, and Portuguese)?

Or Jason Momoa ( Hawaiian, German, Irish, and Pawnee Native-American)?

Or Naomi Osaka (Japanese, Haitian - or Creole, which is a mix of European and African)?

Or Olivia Munn (Vietnamese, Chinese, British, Irish, German)?

Do you just stare at them, try to place them in one box or the other, and then ask them which race they wish to "promote?" πŸ˜‚

Why can we not just evaluate/appreciate who they are as people, rather than pinning them down to one race, and and worse, accusing them of "promoting" one race over the other?

The best was watching Fox News' Harris Faulker be interviewed by another Fox News host, later, completely trying to avoid the debacle that was Trump - specifically his answer to this question - hilarious!

Particularly when she was directly asked about this statement he made.  She never answered it, just twisted into other topics, as per usual Trump style interviews.

Talk about your DEI hires. 

 (Again, this DEI stuff is just more projection by Republicans, who hire token people of color to fill quotas, to do their bidding, but never give them top billing)

She's actually a pretty good journalist, I just feel badly for her having to pretend things aren't said/going on, that are.

Now, to the birth certificate being passed around.

This was originally shared by TV personality, Judge Joe Brown (not yet verified as legit).

(*It is important to first note that since his TV show, Judge Joe Brown has politically moved from Democrat to Independent, now supporting Trump.  His behavior has become increasingly belligerent and bizarre, such that he was arrested in 2014 for being in contempt of court, after a bizarre outburst of personal attacks in a courtroom, while acting as an attorneyA bar complaint was later filed against him, which was deferred, after he cited his health issues were affecting his behavior.)

Umm ... no, it does NOT say Kamala's race is Caucasian,  "Judge Joe."

It says Kamala's MOTHER self-identified as Caucasian. 

It says Kamala's father's self-identified as Jamaican.

 U.S. Birth certificates do NOT identify the race of the child - they identify the race of the parents, self-selected.

Dang, I understand Trumpers not being able to properly read a birth certificate, but it really worries me that Joe was once a legitimate judge, and either he can't read a birth certificate clearly anymore - his previously mentioned "health issues" prevent him - or he can, but just hopes others can't, which is way worse and super shady.

Regardless, obviously, Shyamala Gopalan is Indian/South Asian.

And her father - whom she admittedly isn't very close with - Donald Harris is Jamaican Creole, which IS black (or part black).

IF this birth certificate is legitimate - there may be a very simple plausible explanation. 

Within hours after the child is born, the mother and father are given separate short forms to fill out first with self-selected information, which then is input into the final certificate, which both parents then sign, and then it is stamped with the official state seal.

Remember, race identification checkboxes used to be different, especially back in 1964.

At the time, the only choices may have just been a check-the-box:

____ Caucasian.

____ Negro (remember, 1964) 
____ Other

I mean, if these were the only choices, what did biracial people, Asian people,  Native Americans,  Jewish people, etc. choose?

In fact, that is exactly the reason why these forms began to change in the 70s to offer more choices, including on the U.S. census and employment applications, etc.

So if this is legit, and the choices were limited, Shyamala likely just checked off Caucasian, rather than "negro" or "other" (again, it was 1964), but perhaps  Donald, being Jamaican Creole (multiracial), didn't like the limited options and wrote in his own next to "other?" 😊

Either that, or she was so hocked up on pain meds (especially back then), she just checked a box and passed back out to sleep! πŸ˜‚

Also, Trump - being used to only allowing interviews from white-wing ass-kissing journalists -  also claimed anyone that asked him a direct question was "rude" and "nasty" and never answered the question.

He was practically heckled out of the auditorium, which felt very satisfying to me.

Again, I can't believe we're asking for birth certificates only for candidates of color in 2024, and pretending it's not racist!

Okay, so are we done with racist investigations now and can get back to just regular misogyny again, like we did with Hillary? πŸ˜‚

God forbid we keep it about her policies or her character, after all.

So that birth certificate being passed around says she was female - would you like her to have a gynecologic exam on Zoom for a look-see?  πŸ˜‚



 Nope, I guess we're not done talking about her race, because now, Trumpers are trying to convince us her father isn't black either, though we can all see he clearly is, being Jamaican Creole mix..  

In other words, more Trump gaslighting, hooray!

Regardless, THESE are Kamala's parents, Shyamala and Donald ...

The picture that Trump shared today on Truth Social is NOT of Kamala's parents  - it's a picture of Kamala's maternal grandparents, Rajam and PV Gopalan! 

Again, Kamala's father, Donald, is Jamaican "Creole" - a mix of both European AND African heritage (and sometimes native American as well, depending on region.

European heritage in the Caribbean and states like Louisiana and South Carolina means predominantly French or Spanish, but can also include Portuguese, Dutch, and/or British,  but in lesser amounts. 

In fact, though all speak English, some even speak a Creole language based on French and/or Spanish. 

The Creole mix of people are predominantly found in the Caribbean Islands and Southern U.S. states such as Louisiana and South Carolina, but even then, there are different racial-makeup percentages depending on region, and also different subcultures -  i.e. Jamaican Creole VS. Haitian Creole, New Orleans Creole VS. Charleston Creole.

In other words, both Kamala, and her father, are both partially black.

Can Trump and his followers really not process the fact that people can be a mix - or are they just trying to gain the black vote?

Or are they really just that stupid/ignorant of history (or hoping that we are)? 

Because no one can be THAT stupid, right?


Maybe they just enjoy watching ours heads explode at their  gaslighting attempts over something we can all see clearly with our own eyes πŸ˜‚

Well, at least the gaslighting attempts are more desperately obvious, now, right? 

At least to sane people πŸ˜†

I mean, they've got nothing else, and they know it.

Even if this IS a ploy to gain black votes -  how sick and obsessed with race ARE you? 

You can't classify them as "either/or," according to your preconceived, wrongful stereotypes of race and behavior, so you try to make them fit in one box or the other?

(Again, rhetorical).

Either way, the facial obsession proves the inherent, defiant (and ignorant) racism in Trump and his followers, as well as the degree of gaslighting Trump will resort to - "You don' t see what you think you saw.".

I dunno, though - despite the inherent racism in this, Trump is so desperate, next, he'll be trying to gaslight us that HE is black, just to gain black votes!  πŸ˜‚

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