Mark and I gave been jokingly saying JD Vance was stalking Kamala, right behind her, wherever she campaigned - and then he legit did this?
Both of their planes were on the same tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and he walked right up to her plane, with a gaggle of conservative reporters, and said:
"I just wanted to take a look at my future plane, hopefully in a few months, say hello to the Vice President, and ask her why she won't answer reporter questions?"
You do not just walk up to Air Force 2 - the official plane of Vice President of the United States (Kamala Harris) - because you vainly imagine owning it someday, knock on the door, expect to be let in, and ask the VP questions.
That's a good way to get yourself shot, dude.
Secondly, the question was about YOU, from the press YOU brought, which was asked at an inappropriate time, right before she boarded the plane.
Lastly, your "boss" - ya know, the guy whose backside your head is firmly planted in - refuses to answer questions from CNN, NBC, ABC, or CBS, nor The Washington Post, The New York Times, nor even the Wall Street Journal, and at the most, will respond with how "nasty" they are for even asking.
But hey, thanks for confirming what we all know you're in this for, a plane and power!
Did you also piss on the plane to mark it your territory, ya Cro-Magnon Creep? 😂
We were joking about the "stalking" bit before, but it is starting to get super creepy.
Well, that's the Eastern Kentucky boy in him, coming out, for sure. It's an inappropriate form of intimidation and territorializing, unfortunately.
And I can't help wonder ... would he have tried that follow/intimidation trick with a male VP/opposing candidate?
(Ya know, I thought he looked a little bit like my ex-husband ! 😂 )
Now before I say this next part, let me be clear - I do NOT think JD Vance is an actual stalker!
(But he is bordering on harassment.)
Just an FYI, though we joked about it, having actually been a stalking victim myself, I feel I need to get serious and clarify between harassment versus actual stalking.
While just being where you are, everywhere you are, is super creepy and an effort to intimidate/bully, it's not true stalking and not illegal - so in this case, just ignoring him is the best course.
People think that stalking is just following you, making you uncomfortable, trying to get information about you, and even verbally harassing you, but it's not - legally, that's just harassment (and invasion of privacy).
True stalking - from a legal perspective - includes all of the above - PLUS - terroristic threats, either of harm, to you, your family, and your pets or doing something to effect your career, your home, and even threats of calling various community services on you, just to harass you (like police, fire department, child protective services, etc.), if you don't respond to them (which sometimes they follow through on).
It also can include barging in uninvited - or even breaking in - to where you live and work, as well as gatherings like your church, family events, etc.
Most importantly, it includes "herding" - which means contacting family, friends, and coworkers smearing lies about you, trying to isolate you so that you have no place to go and no one to tell and have to crawl back to them.
They will often employ others to do so, unknowingly or not, in order to keep themselves out of legal trouble.
Online, this can include instigation cyberbullying gang-ups, impersonation of you, and hacking.
Though both harassment and stalking occur in people whose sense of boundaries are damaged, true stalking usually occurs when a severely emotionally disturbed individual feels powerless and have lost control, usually after:
A) Their severe abandonment issues have been triggered by your leaving them "without cause" (in their minds), sometimes even when there is no relationship, except the one that exists in their minds.
B) You witnessed - or even personally experienced -something they don't want others to know (i.e. criminal activity, an affair, substance abuse, violence/physical abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment) - and they're afraid you'll tell.
C) Both A and B, which is likely why you left or began avoiding them.
D) Competition/Jealousy - most often over a love interest, but it could also be over a job promotion or a sports win, or even simply perceived "undeserved" attention versus themselves.
*Regarding D, when I took a "boot camp retreat" for domestic violence/stalking victims, years ago - which was to both educate on what to do/not to do, as well as provide support - one of the other women there was being stalked by a coworker who wanted to BE her!
This included initially just dying her hair like her, dressing like her, copying her mannerisms, showing up at events, smearing her with lies and saying she was mimicking her (projection is also a common technique employed with stalkers, more on that below).
Eventually, she broke into her home, taking all of her stuff, impersonation, and then identity theft, draining her bank account!
Regardless, in their warped minds, they are the victim, not you.
Thus, though there are several differences, the main differences are the threats, it's the stalker's hold over you, to gain back power - "Will I or won't I follow through with my threat?"
Sometimes they will follow through, if you don't respond - and you shouldn't respond - let them do it, whatever it is, rather than communicate with them and complicate your own legal case.
But again, as I said, I highly doubt JD Vance is a true stalker, that he will threaten harm or perhaps call the police, fire department or CPS on her just to intimidate her.😂
However, he IS bordering on harassment, enlisting his personal press to harass her at inappropriate times, walking up to her plane to confront her?
Then again, ya never know - as far as the "herding" thing or the barging in/breaking in thing, he's right on the cusp, isn't he?
Welp, if he crosses boundaries too far, the secret service/law will take care of that (we hope). 😂
Like I said previously, in most cases - but not all - you can take the boy out of Eastern Kentucky, but you can't take the Eastern Kentucky out of the boy 😂
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