Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala Harris, Hillary, Myself, and Other "Jezebel Spirits" πŸ˜‚


As mentioned two posts below, having nothing to do with Kamala Harris, I mentioned that I have been told I had a "Jezebel spirit" once, because I questioned my youth pastor about what he was demanding we do, versus what scripture actually said.

When I wrote that, this morning, I hadn't yet seen this article - among others I just read - that some pastors and pundits - including in this clip from Lance Wallnau - a right-wing Christian nationalist - saying Kamala has a "Jezebel spirit!"  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Oh, what complete and utter nonsense!

Again, though there IS a Jezebel in the bible, there is NO SUCH THING as anyone having a "Jezebel spirit," mentioned anywhere in the bible!

Thus, it's a completely made up concept, created by predominantly white evangelical men, about women who speak up, to shut them up, shame them, demand/order things of them and otherwise control them (and sometimes other women).

Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab, who co-ruled with him. Maybe she really was a power-hungry, conniving bitch - OR - maybe they blamed both of their poor ruling decisions on her, as particularly the Old Testament likes to do when it comes to women, who can say?

Regardless, the men who made up this concept (and use it) clearly fear women will take control/power away from them, thereby projecting their own need for power/control onto women - see how that works?

Hilarious, that I had just written about that, not even related to Kamala!  πŸ˜‚

Also, high-ranking Republicans have asked their voters to refrain from racist or misogynistic language about Kamala and keep it about the issues. 

Ya know, exactly how full of racists, bigots, and misogynists IS your party, that you feel you need to issue a public request for them to stop the racist and misogynistic vitriol towards Kamala?

Y'all realize that doing so is basically an admission of racism and misogyny being rampant in your party, or at least your awareness of it, right?  πŸ˜‚

Oh, how proud you must be of your people!

However, as we know, Trump-Republicans, hear the opposite - particularly because Trump encourages them to do and say whatever they want, whatever it takes to win, dirty and dishonest is the way they work. 

In fact, if there was such a thing as having a Jezebel spirit, then methinks the smellers are the fellers, because most Trumpers have it!  πŸ˜‚

They don't want to listen to a dang thing anyone even politely asks of them, even for public health reasons, and even with sugar on top.

They want the right by law to be rude, insulting, belligerent, racist, bigoted, false-accusing, cheating, criminals, B'God (and sometimes falsely in God's name)!

(And don't you dare say a word about it, ya bunch of Jezebel spirits! πŸ˜‚)

Speaking of basically the Republican Party's admission/awareness of all the racists and misogynists being in their party - despite all their rhetoric about how all the nuts are us, the Dems, as well as "guns don't kill people, people kill people" - look at how scared rabbits they all are, over the nut who tried to assassinate the president, who apparently voted for and donated to Trump?

Trump isn't going to give public outdoor rallies anymore and they're openly rethinking gun control at the indoor ones.

Oh, okay ... so ....

"It's okay that a bunch of innocent children are getting killed, even by other children, in our schools ... and it's okay to advocate  for hanging, executing and/or bombing Mike Pence, Biden, Obama or the Clintons ...  but don't you dare shoot our God ... erm ... I mean, our King ... erm, I mean our former President?"

Dohkay.  Typical Trump-Republican thinking.  They don't care about anything horrible happening to other people, even by their own hands, until it happens to them/their family. 

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