Thursday, January 16, 2025

Just Checking In ...


It's been a minute, but all is well!

My BIL and family in LA are all doing well, at present, house still intact, but still watchful, right?

Other than that, I've been super busy!

Since January can be icy/snowy/cold, it's usually my organization month.

And can I just say - as much as I love my old boss and what I did, since it was contract work, it was often either feast or famine - how much I love my new job, having regular hours and regular pay and varied responsibilities?

As a result, I'm actually excited to start each day, which I haven't felt in 20 years!  😊

I'm told it will take about a year to learn everything, which is fine by me - I love learning and I love researching things, because I'm a huge nerd 😂

In fact, researching is my favorite part of medical transcription, and that is largely what I do with this job - problem-solve any issues that arise, both medical terminology and technology-related -  which makes me an even bigger nerd because most MTs hate having to research stuff.

I get that, if you're on production pay and you get paid by the line, you just need to get it done quickly, but still maintain quality, so it's a balance.

But researching was my favorite part of being an MT, to the degree that I could sometimes go down the rabbit hole trying to find an answer, and I've had to learn when to just move on!

With transcription rapidly being replaced by self-editing, voice-recognition software and AI, I am super grateful for this opportunity, because part of our job is also finding out why things didn't upload tech-wise, etc.

Also, we're on a global team, which I love!

I just hope I'm learning fast and meet expectations, right? 

Though we still likely will be replaced by AI one day, we all know that, I'm crossing my fingers that day isn't before I retire or even in the next year or so!

However, being that part of my job is to also resolve tech glitches, etc., I'm hopeful that we will still be needed in some capacity, at least. 

Otherwise, regarding current events - trying to "conquer" Greenland and the Panama Canal, possibly using military force - WHAT?

Since we are trillions of dollars in debt, with what money are we going to "buy" these placesf?

And possible use of military force, what the ???

No wonder he's a fan of Putin - who also risks young people's lives by engaging in unnecessary conflict and/or invading small countries, just to be "conquerors" and government-own things, like a bunch of medieval feudal lords - instead of work out better trade deals and buy rights to resources?!?

And Pete Hegseth.


Well, if he IS confirmed, let's all send him  3 blowup dolls and a case of vodka as a congratulatory gift. 😂

(Just KIDDING! Nobody really do that, please.)

All right, just checking, but  yes - all still douches!  😂

And they really might want to reconsider calling themselves "conservatives" when it comes to big government and spending, just saying.

Otherwise, so I'm not necessarily sticking my head in the sand, but burying myself in work and the people I love, rather than worry about things I can't control, right? 

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