Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Plato's Cave Allegory? So I Tried One Last Time Today ...


To reach out to my family through Marian about my DNA results.   

I told our new family members that I'd try one last time, but I didn't want to push them.

Family, if you're reading, and you have any doubts, there is a way to prove this you know  -  you can take a DNA test yourselves through to see who you match with and who you don't. 

You can't argue with genetic assays, scientific evidence.

All I can say is, you don't know what your missing -  our newly discovered family is wonderful, truly a blessing - and they'd really love to talk with you :)

One is a retired family physician, another is a published author, others are IT consultants - these are not frauds or kooks, they're highly intelligent people.

I was thinking about this situation today and it reminded me of Plato's Cave Allegory.

Though now unchained, some prefer to stay in the cave, stay in darkness, blindness, and false reality because it's familiar - the devil they know is better than the one they don't.   

Others take the risk, emerge out of the cave into the light and truth.

I'm not a cave-dweller -  I like truth and light -  even if it hurts my eyes at first.  Perhaps this is the difference between us.


But fine, suit yourselves, I won't ask again - stay in darkness, clinging to a false reality, if it makes you happy, but I doubt it does. 

It makes me super sad that you will miss out this experience, which has been truly a blessing, but I won't try again :(


PS - I do need to add that the family has graciously accepted and respected your final decision not to know more, with the exception of just one family member. 

If this person contacts you anyway, please know that I  encouraged this person to accept your "no" boundary today as a final decision on the matter, that you do not wish to know more.

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